Integrated Photonics Fabrication Process Setup

Rapidly set up photonics fabrication processes using our core technology to characterise a fabrication process and generate a PDK of useable components at target wavelengths.

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Integrated Photonics Fabrication Process Setup

Wave Photonics enables new photonics fabrication processes to be rapidly brought online, especially those using novel materials or wavelengths targeting applications in sensing or quantum technologies.

Our core technology allows for the characterisation of a fabrication process and the subsequent rapid generation of a PDK of useable components at target wavelengths. The fabrication process can then be used to create functional chips without the difficulties and delays resulting from the coupled development of component designs and the fabrication process.

To begin the process, please contact us at

Access our process setup


Produce characterisation structures

Reference fabrication


The data is used to characterise your fabrication process



We generate components at your target wavelengths

PDK generation
and optimisation


Your process can be used to create functional chips

Process available for chip runs

Want more information or ready to start the process? Please contact us at or complete the form below.